Sensor Technology Ltd. is a global leader in piezoelectric acoustic tools and systems. With 39 years of experience, we specialize in working with our clients to provide innovative, customized solutions that provide repeatable results. Our market penetration is global in scope, and we specialize in these Industry Sectors – Defence, Aquaculture, Energy, Oceanography, Hydrography.

In keeping their populations safe and secure, militaries and navies worldwide rely on leading-edge solutions sourced by defence contractors with specialized technical skills. These systems are constructed using advanced technology and leading-edge products to meet demanding detection, ranging, and navigation requirements. Our acoustic sensors will allow you to detect enemy assets and plan countermeasures. These acoustic sensors are the components you need to help you navigate, detect, and protect the waters on your shores and abroad.

The Aquaculture & Fishing industry relies on acoustic technologies to monitor and manage their aquatic environments. We produce acoustic sensors and systems used in the aquaculture industry for seal deterrents, fish tagging, telemetry, noise monitoring, and trawling. Our acoustic sensors are the components you need to help you monitor and manage your aquatic environments.

The energy sector relies on acoustic technologies to monitor and manage their oil, gas, and renewable energy exploration and efforts. Our acoustic sensors have supported oil and gas exploration for over 40 years by ensuring the components we produce, provide your systems with accurate data and repeatable results. We also assist with acoustic monitoring efforts for offshore renewable energy companies by monitoring noise levels during the construction phase and preliminary windfarm survey operations.

The oceanography industry relies on acoustic technologies to monitor and manage ocean explorations. The systems and products used to monitor what’s in the ocean or on the seafloor are constructed using advanced acoustic technology and leading-edge products. Our products are commonly used in underwater applications such as marine mammal monitoring, underwater communications, passive acoustic monitoring, seal deterrents, fish tagging, telemetry, and noise monitoring.

The hydrography industry relies on acoustic technologies to document ocean explorations. The systems used to map and outline what is below the water’s surface are constructed using advanced acoustic technology and leading-edge products. Our bespoke side-scan, single beam sonars, and other custom transducers are used to acquire hydrographic data and can be installed on remote and autonomous vehicles.